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Personal Development
We aim to provide all Bayards Hill pupils with a rich, progressive and varied Personal Development and Enrichment programme - an offering that extends beyond the academic but is also embedded within, that makes relevant links to and enhances the curriculum, and provides frequent and varied opportunities for pupils to develop character, enrich their lives and become responsible, respectful and active citizens.
We make a conscious effort to go ‘over and above’ with our PD programme, meeting the needs of our children through, for example, initatives such as the following:
- The deliberate provision of a rich and varied extra-curricular BHPS After School Club Offering akin to that of an independent school
- The deliberate provision of bepoke, personalised extra-curricular enrichment engagement via our flagship BHPS Enrichment Passport Programme, viewed as an example of county-wide best practice
We also share our expertise and examples of best practice with other schools within our trust and beyond.
We aim to provide pupils with a positive, inclusive and nurturing environment that helps them develop character, cultural capital, confidence and skills, and that helps them understand and actively demonstrate key personal values and British values. We support our pupils so that they are equipped to make a successful transition to secondary school.
Personal Development at Bayards Hill Primary School begins with our vision, Aim High, and our set of strong, shared values, the Bayards Hill ‘Three R’ values of Responsibility, Respect and Resilience.
We are…
Respectful, Responsible and Resilient.
All members of the school community (pupils, staff, parents/carers and governors) understand and share these values, and we reward pupils’ active demonstration of these values through weekly Headteacher and fortnightly class BHPS 3R Value Awards.
We are very proud of our extensive enrichment offering - we provide a huge range of deliberately purposeful, curriculum-linked and inclusive enrichment activities.
Illustrative of this is the fact that in the academic year 2020-2021, despite lockdowns and the Covid19 pandemic, through strategic planning we still provided over 50 enrichment activities balanced across year groups.
This academic year, as of the end of Term 4, we have already exceeded that number and we aim to have provided over 100 opportunities across the school by the end of this academic year 2021-2022.
Examples of enrichment activities:
* Purposeful, curriculum-related trips (e.g. to Science Oxford; the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum; The Asmolean Museum; Shotover Country Park; Museum of Oxford; Oxford Playhouse; Oxford Botanical Gardens)
* Purposeful, curriculum-related visits (e.g. author workshops; police ‘Safer Schools’ PSHE-related workshops; Community Art Project workshops; Museum of Oxford humanities curriculum-linked workshops exploring local history)
* Performance opportunities (e.g. whole-school dance workshops and performance, drama workshops and performance, local community and national singing performances)
* Rich and varied After-School clubs (e.g. Archery; Multisports; Playwriting and Performance; Origami; Maths and Literacy Boosters; Football; Moneyzone; Choir)
* Key life skills (e.g. Bikeability; First Aid; Finance Management; Fire Safety)
* Active fitness (e.g. Big Mile, Sports ‘Taster’ days; Street Tag Oxford City League top 3 school; Sports Competitive events such as the Headington Cricket Festival; the two-day BHPS Sports Day events)
* Personal enrichment challenges through our flagship BHPS Enrichment Passport programme
All BHPS staff are committed to our BHPS Trips, Visits and Experiences Pledge, displayed in all classrooms, which guarantees a minimum level of enrichment for all pupils:
Our trips are all purposeful - chosen to ensure they are curriculum-linked, and relevant to a either a subject topic the pupils are learning that term, or to a subject topic the pupils will be studying in the future (and so a useful active form of pre-teaching). Here are some examples:
- Year 6 Rising Stars Term 2 History Topic - Did WWI or WWII have more of an impact on our local community?
- Year 6 curriculum-linked trip: Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum workshops, exhibit exploration and guided activites
- Year 2 Collins Connect Snap Science Term 5 Topic - What is in your habitat?
- Year 2 trip - Oxford Natural History Museum - Bugs and their Habitats guided workshop and trail
- Year 6 Term 3 Art topic - Natural 'Found Object' Art
- Year 6 Term 3 curriculum-linked trip - trip to Shotover Country Park to create Goldsworthy-inspired found object natural art exhibits
We also work in partnership with Science Oxford, ensuring a healthy focus on Science through provison of Science Oxford trips for all year groups each year, with workshop content mapped to the national curicculum.
And, we are keen to develop cultural capital through other trips, visits and experiences: for example free pantomime experience trips, subsidised or free in-class workshop experiences and informative visits (for example from the police).
All BHPS staff are also committed to our BHPS Performance Opportunities Pledge, displayed in all classrooms, which guarantees a minimum level of performance opportunity for all pupils:
We are proud of our full and inclusive assembly offering here at Bayards Hill, and our assembly vision to provide a programme of purposeful assemblies for all, helping to build and develop the character of the whole school community, celebrating diversity, with opportunities for exploration of key values, participation, performance, reflection, and reward for effort, progress and achievement.
Our assembly timetable overview below gives an idea of the variety of assemblies in which our school community participates:
Our full, inclusive assembly programme is curriculum-linked, with our whole and school and key stage assemblies exploring aspects of SMSC and PSHE, with each short term's first week of assemblies introducing the theme of the term's Jigsaw PSHE scheme's 'puzzle'. In subsequent weeks, themes are revisited, supplemented by weekly exploration and application of our BHPS 3R values of being Respectful, Responsible and Resilient citizens. Pupils also focus and reflect weekly on one of the school's golden rules.
As can be seen from the overview timetable, our assembly programme encourages personal responsiblity throughout the school community - everyone is involved in planning, running and participating in assemblies. Weekly whole-school assemblies are planned and conducted by the Head, teachers plan and run weekly KS1 and KS2 assemblies on a rota basis, the children plan and run Year Group performance sharing assemblies, and the SLT share the running of fortnightly parent Celebration Assemblies.
Our fortnightly whole school Celebration Assemblies are a wonderful opportunity for parents to share in their children's success: different pupils in each class are presented with Star Learrner, Role Model and BHPS 3R Values certificates, and there is also a Sports Award for a pupil from each year group. In addition, we use the first Celebration Assembly of each short term to award children with Bronze, Silver and Gold badges and certificates for completing the relevent number of challenges in their Enrichment Passport awards - a highlight of the term. .
As per section 5 of the Education Act, we 'provide collective worship that is ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character', for example through partrnership with St Mary's church, our local church in Barton. At the same time, we are mindful and respectful of our broad school community: we are a truly diverse school, of all faiths and none, and with pupils and staff of many different national heritages and languages. As such, we invite speakers of other faiths to talk in assemblies, and we mark and explore other religious observances such as Ramadan and Eid, promoting whole school community tolerance and understanding. We also enjoy weekly opportunities for collective singing in our whole school assemblies, our KS1 assembies and our KS2 assemblies - we purposefully choose songs relevant to the assembly value/theme, or we select from the DfE Model Music Curriculum - Key Stage 1/2 Guidance - Singing.
We also play music carefully selected from Appendix 3 (KS1 and KS2 Foundation Listening and Case Studies) of the DfE Model Music Curriculum as we enter and exit assemblies, and encourage active listening and discussion of context. The active listening (and singing) thus supplements our weekly Charanga music lessons, helping to develop pupils' critical listening skills, cultural capital, and appreviation of musical genres and variety, and understanding of how music is constructed.
All years groups will also plan, prepare and perform in a curriculum-linked Performance Sharing Assembly in front of parents, in a term of their choosing. Content and performances are then curriclulum-linked to the relevant term's Rising Stars Humantiies History or Geography topic for the year group, thus enriching and reinforcing their learning while at the same time developing their confidence, and their teamwork and performance skills.
We are an inclusive school: we ensure that, regardless of need, all pupils participate in all forms of assembly.
We are deliberate in our consideration of maximising opportunities for pupil character development with our assembly programme, for example:
- Children are rewarded not just for academic achievement: just as important is that we reward them for effort, improved attitude, active demonstration of school values, and the development of their character through enrichment passport participation and wider school community participation such as charity fundraising
- Children are encouraged (on a needs-appropriate basis) to shake hands, make eye contact and say thank you clearly, as a minimum, on receipt of rewards, and time permitting will sometimes read extracts from their written work
- All children enjoy weekly opportunities for singing in Whole School, Key Stage and Singing asemblies, plus opportunities for performing in some of these, and performing in their year group Performance Sharing assembly
- Children take responsibility on a rota basis for doors, chairs/benches and technical support of assembies
All BHPS pupils have regular and varied opportunities to develop confidence and character through performing (e.g. plays, role-play, poetry, storytelling, singing, presenting, public speech, dance, etc.) in front of an audience, at school but also in other settings within the local community, and even nationally. Staff are committed to ensuring that we meet our BHPS Performance Opportunities Pledge to all pupils.
As per the BHPS Performance Opportunities Pledge, pupils will have opportunities to sing, dance and/or perform a play in front of different audiences and in a variety of venues:
Each year group will prepare and participate in one sharing assembly performance opportunity per year
Each year group will participate in at least one (possibly more) concert or production per academic year
There will be at least one whole-school (YR through to Y6) performance opportunity per year (singing, dance or drama)
Some pupils will engage in optional, additional performance opportunities (e.g. Voice in a Million in London, Oxford Cathedral choral singing, Oxford Playhouse partnership drama performance, etc.)
As a result of this, pupils enjoy the following outcomes:
Pupils are productive, active and engaged participants, rather than passive recipients, enjoying participating in a rich, varied and fulfilling mix of creative performance
Pupils enjoy the mental and physical health benefits resulting from these performancess
Pupils develop key attributes such as self-esteem and self-confidence, resilience and perseverance
Example performances: choral concerts, pop singing concerts, plays, parades, nativity, dance performances (e.g. specifics: BHPS carol concerts, Christchurch choral concert, Oxfordshire Big Sing at the Town Hall , Debating, Voice in a Million in London, Shakespeare play in a day, Whole School dance performance)
Example Venues: BHPS School Hall, Oxford Music Services Music Hall, Barton Church, Oxford Town Hall, Townsend House Care Home, Christchurch Cathedral, Wembley Stadium
Example audiences: Year Group peers, Key Stage peers, Whole School peers, SLT, governors, the general public.
Parents are invited to all concerts, productions and performance assemblies (as well as celebration reward assemblies).
Governors, local councillors, local community association leaders and other community members are invited to some of these events too.
As part of our deliberate inclusive policy, all performance opportunities during the school day are no cost, and most extra-currocular opportunities are either free or very low cost. We enure that anyone who wants to can participate in the occasional opportunity that is not low cost (e.g. Voice in a Million) either through active fundraising, or via parents/carers discussing with the Head and securing BHPS funding for the place through our hardship funding procedure.
We have considered the development of pupils' performing skills and stamina over time through design of our purposeful and progressive BHPS Performance Opportunities Skills Progression Spectrum:
We are very proud of our flagship BHPS Enrichment Passport programme, recognised as an example of best practice across the county.
What are the passports and why have them?
As the Department for Education suggests, it is important that ‘children have the chance to try things out, to get a taste of the world around them, to see and do things that they wouldn’t normally do, or go to places they wouldn’t normally go and to meet people they wouldn’t normally meet. These things are important because a world-class education is about much more than qualifications: it’s also about your character and wellbeing.’
The BHPS Enrichment Passport gives our children the chance to do just that.
Each child’s year group passport booklet has a mix of age-appropriate tasks and challenges, graded according to difficulty. Children complete a mix of these at school, home and outside, some with adults and some independently. The activities have been deliberately designed so that most are no cost or very low cost. As the children complete challenges, adults initial and date them. At the end of each short term, though our Enrichment Passport admin slots and process, teachers check progress, pupils share challenge stories and we celebrate success. Then, at the beginning of each short term, children who have completed the necessary number of challenges are awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold badges and certificates in one of our Celebration Assemblies. .
In addition to aiming to provide a high-quality education for Bayards Hill children, we believe in the importance of providing children with opportunities to enrich their lives, develop their character and improve their skills. This is why we have deliberately designed the provision of a rich and varied extra-curricular BHPS After School Club Offering - one that is akin to that of an independent school, and is certainly over and above the offering of most other state primary schools.
Our extensive After-School Club offering provides opportunities for all, and almost all of these are absolutely free to the children. This inclusive strategy is enabled, for example, through targeted use of sports premium funds, partnerships with third parties such as Oxford Harlequins RUFC/Brookes University, Oxford Playhouse and Metro Bank, and through club leadership and support by a variety of BHPS staff such as SLT, Teachers, TAs and Office staff).
We are careful to provide a balance of clubs across the arts, sports and academic subjects each short term. In Term 4 of Academic Year 2021-2022, for example. we had 14 weekly clubs running across a range of year groups and key stages:
- Rugby Club
- Archery Club
- Ukulele Club
- Handwriting Club
- Maths BoosterClub x 2
- FYI News Club
- Literacy Booster Club x 2
- Football Club
- Choir Club
- Multisports Club x 2
- Lunchtime Homework Club
Examples of other clubs we have run in 2021-2022 are Primary Playmaker Club (writing playscripts and then performing them, in partnership with Oxford Playhouse), Moneyzone Finance Skills Club (in partnership with Metro Bank), Origami Club (in partnership with Oxford University) and Gymnastics Club.
Takeup for the clubs is high, with most clubs full, but we are victims our own success to a certain extent - if we set up any more we would be running out of available pupils to fill them!!
Examples of ASC pupil adverts:
Origami Club:
We offer a progressive whole-school charities programme, relevant to our school, that empowers all pupils to be community-minded and responsible citizens actively involved in charity fundraising. Outcomes are as follows:
- Our school community raises money for charities chosen by and relevant to the school.
- Pupils develop a sense of citizenship and responsibility…in local, national and global contexts
- Pupils develop a sense of fiscal management and responsibility through fundraising and (in liaison with the School Council and staff) awareness of funds allocation.
- Pupils develop creativity and enterprise skills, devising and implementing ways to raise funds
- Pupils engage in fundraising activities that are linked to key areas at the heart of our curriculum intent
We carefully design inclusive, dual-purpose whole-school activities for out three main charity fundrasing events:
- Activities that empower and enable all children to raise funds for our chosen charities
- Activities that are strategically aligned with core aspects of our overall BHPS curriclum intent. For example:
- Local Charity - Oxford Hospitals Charity
- Term 2 Whole School Fundraising Activity - Sponsored Readathon
- National Charity - Comic Relief
- Term 4 Whole School Fundraising Activity - Sponsored Big Mile Red Nose Run
In Term 6 we will be completing whole school Spoken Word and Poetry performance activities in aid of our chosen international charity.
In addition to the three main whole-shool charity fundraising events per year, we actively encourage pupils to plan, prepare and complete their own charity fundraising events (e.g. cake sales) - these can also qualify as one of their school community challenges in their enrichment passports .
Year 1 'Drop Everything and Read' EYFS running the Big Mile Red Nose Run
Our whole school Celebration Assemblies are a wonderful opportunity for parents to share in their children's success in terms of focus, effort and progress, demonstrating BHPS values and academic achievement. Different pupils in each class are presented with the following award certificates:
- Star Learner
- Role Model
- BHPS 3R Values
Tere is also a Sports Award for a pupil from each year group.
In addition, we use the first Celebration Assembly of each short term to award children with Bronze, Silver and Gold Enrichment Passport Explorer badges and certificates for completing the relevent number of challenges in their Enrichment Passport awards - a highlight of the term. .
We teach PSHE amd RE through Jigsaw and Discovery - nationally recognised schemes of work embedded in our BHPS curriculum:
Jigsaw 3-11 'offers a comprehensive Programme for Primary PSHE including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work, giving children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.
With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw 3-11 properly equips schools to deliver engaging and relevant PSHE within a whole-school approach. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.'
Discovery RE is a comprehensive detailed lesson planning resouce for Relgious Education for the whole Primary School plus Nursery (Ages 3-11). The enquiry approach makes RE exciting and engaging for both teachers and children alike. Christianity is taught in every year group, with Christmas and Easter given fresh treatment every year, developing children’s learning in a progressive way. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism are also included.'
Each class in each year group has weekly PSHE and weekly RE lessons. Aspects of SCMSC, PSHE and RE are also included in other ways, supplementing lessons for example through our assembly programme,with discussion, demonstration and practice of BHPS 3R values, through in-class visits from professionals, police, fire service and relgious leaders, and through implementation of projects such as the afrorementioned Agent for Change initiative.
We actively encourage pupils to take reponsiblity for helping to run their school, and we children engage in a variety of roles and responsiblities on a rota basis. For example: door monitors, chair/bench monitors, friuit monitors, chomrebook and ipad monitors, 'Eco Warrior' litter and recycling monitors, etc.
School Council
The above roles are in addition to the School Council, which is democratically elected each year through whole school elections, and which is represented by two children from each year group. The council meets short-termly and works on a number of initiatives. Recent (Term 4) examples include consulting then deciding on specifics of which play equipment to buy to supplement our exisiting stocks, and running a competition to design a sign (to then be produced professionally) to display on the school gates to encourage 'Smokefree school gates'.
Agent for Change Ambassdors
We are also working in partnership with Equaliteach, implementing a BHPS project over the year 2021-2022 to develop our whole school community awarness of and approach to equality, diversity and inclusion. Part of this project is the Agents for Change initative, for which we have appointed four Year 5 Agent for Change ambassadors, who have participated in a trust-wide training event, and are now meeting twice-termly with the Personal Development Lead to discuss and then implement whole school activities. Here are their chosen initial priorities for this year:
1. Worry boxes to be distributed to all classes, decorated, and then worries collected fortnightly by AFC ambassadors
2. Posters to designed raising awarness of prejudice related incidents and bullying, followed by assemblies and then creation of a whole school video
3. Creation of and activte participation in a whole school kindness tree
We at Bayards Hill our proud to have hosted this year's RLT Agents for Change training event, inviting pupils and teachers from seven other schools across the trust we have newly joined, and we look forward to developing the school further in this area and forging partnerships with other schools.
Bayards Hill School and our Y5 AfC Ambassadors host the Agents for Change Ambassador Training Workshops
We also firmly believe in providing an enriched and well resourced learning enviroment to match our curriculum intent - for example through ensuring regular practical application, investigation and experimentation in Science lessons, along with a extended Science mornings and Science days, through varied DT experiences such as structures, felt purse making and cam construction, to outdoor and field work.
Example: Year 6 Circulatory System - Exploring and 'Making' Blood Components
Example: Whole School Science Day - What if?
Y1 Classifying Y5 - Beware: Exploding Melon!
Outdoor Learning:
Year 1 Tree Planting: Our new copse as part of the
Queen's Green Canopy Jubilee initiative
Y6 field investigation
DT and Artwork Examples:
Year 6 Abstract Collage
Year 2 Masks
Year 5 Structures
Year 6 Cams
Year 6 Felt Purse Display
Please click on the link to read our BHPS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT NEWS covering Terms 3 and 4 of this acemdic year 2021-2022
We have purposefully developed collaborative partnerships to enable us to enhance our Personal Development and Enrichment offering - examples of ongoing paternerships include the following:
- Museum of Oxford (PD Lead joined working party helping create new museum workshops)
- Oxford Naturtal History Musem
- Science Oxford (Workshops for all year groups mapped to curriculum)
- Oxford Harlequins RUFC/Oxford Brookes Inspire - Rugby ASC plus holiday opportunties
- Magdalen College School Partnerships and Sustainabilty (G&T initiatives, Reading initatives)
- St John's College (Outreach funding to further subsidise Y6 residential)
- Oxford Music Services (workshop provision)
- Barton Community Association (staffing for Summer Clubs, PD Lead provided input to Youtrh Decelopment role)
- St Mary's Church, Barton (Eric the vicar a regular visitor for assemblies, and BHPS pupils and the BHPS choir perform at the church)
- Townsend House Care Home, Barton (choir perfomances)
- Oxford Playhouse (Primary Playmaker workshops and OP PP Showcase Event, future whole school drama collaborations)
Next step collaborations planned for next year:
- Into University: collaboration on an innovative programme that supports young people aged seven and up to realise their ambitions, achieve their academic potential, develop vital skills and gain experience of the world of work
- On-site Forest school setup and development, along with further development of our site (rejuvinated raised beds, wide flower meadow, etc)
- Library staffed by volunteers at lunchtimes
Personal Development Impact
Measuring the impact of PD is notoriously difficult. As the OFSTED School Inspection Handbook notes, ‘inspectors will seek to evaluate the quality and intent of what a school provides but will not attempt to measure the impact of the school’s work on the lives of individual pupils.’
However, we can provide some impact measurements, in the form of pupil take-up and engagement with our strong enrichment offering. This is what is set out below. We have the intent, we have the implementation, and now we can give at least some measure of the impact.
Over 60 enrichment opportunities already offered this year across the school |
Over 50 enrichment activities offered across the school in academic year 2020-2021 |
Our aim is to surpass 100 opportunities by the end of the academic year |
Despite the pandemic – due to strategic planning ahead for opportunities in ‘windows’ of Covid rule changes plus maximising hybrid virtual opportunities and more visits rather than trips |
23 different After School Clubs running from the start of this year 14 weekly clubs running in Term 4 |
55% of our Y1 to Y6 cohort are actively engaging with our After School club offering |
49% of our Y1 to Y6 cohort After School club participants are PP |
Deliberately spread across the arts, sport and fitness and academic core subjects |
And 34% have taken part in two or more termly After-School clubs this year |
This is almost equal to the PP percentage of the cohort (51%) |
100% of pupils of the YR-Y6 cohort have completed at least a few passport challenges |
25% of our YR-Y6 cohort have already achieved an Enrichment Passport Explorer award this year |
39% of EAL pupils and 18% of SEND pupils have achieved a passport award – both above the percentages of EAL and SEND for the YR-Y6 cohort |
All pupils are issued with passports. All pupils complete some challenges in class. |
And, as with After School Club engagement, there is an almost equal split on gender |