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Bayards Hill Maths Curriculum Handbook



Children at Bayards Hill will be taught key mathematical skills outlined in the National curriculum. They will be able to use these skills accurately and fluently in order to make links across the curriculum. They will be able to use these to reason and understand the place maths has in the wider world.


In Power Maths, practice never equates to the simple repetition of a process. Instead we embrace the concept of intelligent practice, in which all children become fluent in maths through varied, frequent and thoughtful practice that deepens and embeds conceptual understanding in a logical, planned sequence. To see the difference, take a look at the following examples.


All children will have a maths rich diet. All children will be taught a daily fluency session this ensures key skills are regularly practised. Children in the early years will explore a maths rich provision and questioning will support them in developing their maths skills. Children from years 1-5 will follow the Power Maths programme with high expectations for all pupils. Pupils with SEND needs will be given appropriate support and scaffolding to ensure they can access the majority of the work. In year 6, children will be prepared for the next stage of their academic careers.


In Nursery we are exploring numbers to 10. We sing songs and use numicon in our exploring time. We practise writing numbers and matching the amount to numerals.

In Reception children follow the White Rose Scheme, we also use Number Sense to build connections in early maths. Children use their exploring time to develop these skills.


We link our sessions to the Rosenshine Principles of Instruction. Prior to a session we partake in a Daily/Weekly/Monthly review this makes up the fluency element of maths.

Discover is the introduction of key concepts in small steps. A practical, real-life problem arouses curiosity. Children find the maths through story-telling. Question 1 a) tackles the key concept and question 1 b) digs a little deeper. Children have time to explore, play and discuss possible strategies. This is where teachers can clearly model the way to solve and explore questions.  

Share is Teacher-led, this interactive section follows the Discover activity and highlights the variety of methods that can be used to solve a single problem. This scaffolds and reinforces the modelling done in the discover. It also gives opportunities for questioning to address misconceptions, strengthen understanding and deepen children’s understanding. 

Think together is an opportunity for guided practice. Children work in your class groups on the carpet or at tables, using their textbooks or eBooks.

Using their Practice Books, children work independently while you circulate and check on progress. This is only for children who have been successful in guided practice.

Inclusion and SEND

At Bayards Hill Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. As such, inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of the school enhanced by collaboration between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly, the child. All pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level and a pace that is appropriate to their abilities. Lessons are planned with appropriate scaffolds, adjustments and modifications to ensure that there are no barriers to achievement and progress.


Use of Manipulatives

Concrete: Replacing the traditional approach of a teacher working through a problem in front of the class, the concrete stage introduces real objects that children can use to ‘do’ the maths − any familiar object that a child can manipulate and move to help bring the maths to life. It is important to appreciate, however, that children must always understand the link between models and the objects they represent. For example, children need to first understand that three cakes could be represented by three pretend cakes, and then by three counters or bricks. Frequent practice helps consolidate this essential insight. Although they can be used at any time, good concrete models are an essential first step in understanding.


Pictorial: This stage uses pictorial representations of objects to let children ‘see’ what particular maths problems look like. It helps them make connections between the concrete and pictorial representations and the abstract maths concept. Children can also create or view a pictorial representation together, enabling discussion and comparisons. The Power Maths teaching tools are fantastic for this learning stage, and bar modelling is invaluable for problem solving throughout the primary curriculum.


Abstract: Our ultimate goal is for children to understand abstract mathematical concepts, signs and notation and, of course, some children will reach this stage far more quickly than others. To work with abstract concepts, a child needs to be comfortable with the meaning of, and relationships between, concrete, pictorial and abstract models and representations. The C-P-A approach is not linear, and children may need different types of models at different times. However, when a child demonstrates with concrete models and pictorial representations that they have grasped a concept, we can be confident that they are ready to explore or model it with abstract signs such as numbers and notation.


Same-day intervention

Same-day interventions are vital in order to keep the class progressing together. Therefore, Power Maths provides plenty of support throughout the journey. 

• Intervention is focused on keeping up now, not catching up later, so interventions should happen as soon as they are needed. 

• Practice questions are designed to bring misconceptions to the surface, allowing you to identify these easily as you circulate during independent practice time. 

• Child-friendly assessment questions in the Teacher Guide help you identify easily which children need to strengthen their understanding.


The Daily, Weekly and Monthly review will work as assessment within previously taught concepts. Teachers will use questioning and guided practice within the session to identify where more support and scaffolding is needed. After the lesson teachers will assess based on the practice book. A Summative assessment in the form of a PUMA paper will happen 3 times per year. Children with SEND or working significantly below will also be assessed based on their Sandwell Maths Age.



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1 

Summer 2


Textbook A/ Practice book A

Numbers to 10

Part-whole within 10

Addition and subtraction within 10 (1)

Addition and subtraction within 10 (2)

2D and 3D shapes

Numbers to 20

Textbook B/ Practice book B

Addition within 20

Subtraction within 20

Numbers to 50

Introducing length and height

Introducing weight and volume

Textbook C/ Practice book C



Halves and quarters

Position and direction

Numbers to 100




Textbook A/ Practice book A

Numbers to 100

Addition and subtraction (1)

Addition and subtraction (2)


Multiplication and division (1)

Textbook B/ Practice book B

Multiplication and division (2)


Length and height

Properties of shapes


Textbook C/ Practice book C

Position and direction

Problem solving and efficient methods


Weight, volume and temperature


Textbook A/ Practice book A

Place value within 1,000

Addition and subtraction (1)

Addition and subtraction (2)

Multiplication and division (1)

Textbook B/ Practice book B

Multiplication and division (2)




Fractions (1)

Textbook C/ Practice book C

Fractions (2)


Angles and properties of shapes



Textbook A/ Practice book A

Place value- 4-digit numbers (1)

Place value- 4-digit numbers (2)

Addition and subtraction


Multiplication and division (1)

Textbook B/ Practice book B

Multiplication and division (2)


Fractions (1)

Fractions (2)

Decimals (1)

Textbook C/ Practice book C

Decimals (2)




Geometry- angles and 2D shapes

Geometry-position and direction.


Textbook A/ Practice book A

Place value within 100,000

Place value within 1,000,000

Addition and subtraction

Graphs and tables

Multiplication and division

Measure-area and perimeter

Textbook B/ Practice book B

Multiplication and division

Fractions (1)

Fractions (2)

Fractions (3)

Decimals and percentages

Textbook C/ Practice book C


Geometry- properties of shapes (1)

Geometry- properties of shapes (2)

Geometry- position and direction

Measure- converting units

Measure- volume and capacity


Textbook A/ Practice book A

Place value within 10,000,000

Four operations (1)

Four operations (2)

Fractions (1)

Fractions (2)

Geometry- position and direction

Textbook B/ Practice book B




Measure- perimeter, area and volume

Ratio and proportion

Textbook C/ Practice book C

Geometry- properties of shapes

Problem Solving


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